An animated short featuring new music “MFSB” from Ezrakh created by JTVizion + Eli Mintzer. Produced by Never Normal Records.
“Fourword To Infinity” full EP is available on cassette iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Beatport & all digital stores worldwide:
Fourword To Infinity blends huge club music format, soulful vocals, and lo-fi sound – progression at it’s finest.
Ezrakh is the creator of the Jersey club movement called THREAD, as well a member of the illustrious dj crew The Brick Bandits. Yet, Ezrakh is also musically trained, and from what you can hear on Fourword To Infinity, a talented songwriter.
Blending elements of music that haven’t fully been mashed up before, Ezrakh defines a new sound – building on deep house ideas but pairing them with hip-hop grooves and spiritual song matter Ezrakh’s fresh sound is built for infinity and beyond.