Never Normal’s new artist playlist series is called N2, giving the world a chance to learn about tite artists that we are N2 and while also giving a glimpse of what they are into. Our debut N2 playlist is from KHX05 who will be making their worldwide debut with NN this week! Stream below!
Khx05 (pronounced “Chaos”) is a force. A queer/trans rapper and multi-disciplinary artist based in Durham, NC with Gullah-Gechee cultural roots. They began their journey in 2011, dancing professionally in the queer arts communities of North Carolina which led them to begin crafting their own songs to perform to at live shows in many venues through the south. Two mixtapes later, they met Suzi Analogue who invited them to the Never Normal Soundsystem to amplify their strong sound, piercing lyrics and banging beats. Their music slithers through genres and brings energy of resistance and liberation. Today, they share some inspiration with the world with a playlist of music that’s been motivating them and a peek into their mind.

NN: What / who are you listening to these days?
These days im listening to a lot of different stuff, i try to listen to and support queer/trans artists. Some folks im listening to are BlvckPunx, Jona Vark, Ashinko and also been fangirling over Deftones new album.
NN: Tell us something about you that not everyone may know.
Something people may not know about me is that i danced professionally for a few years before i started doing music.
NN. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome so far?
One of the biggest things ive overcome so far is my low confidence in my music. I used to be super self conscience and would have so much anxiety about whether or not people would get my music. Now my confidence is back up and im ready for world domination lol!
NN: What drives you to create?
Some things that drive me to create are my life experiences and my spirituality. Making music has helped a lot with processing my trauma and healing. It pulls so much out of me in that way.
NN: How did you get inspired to choose your sound?
My sound is inspired by my obsession with death, magic and nature definitely, Im also inspired by my fellow rap legends before me like azealia banks, lil kim, jay-z, dmx and of course nicki minaj.
NN: If you could pass on a gem of wisdom to the next musical generation, what would it be?
Some gems of wisdom i would give to the next musical generation is…trust your process, next never be afraid to ask to be paid more especially when you know ya shit hot lol! Lastly remember to have fun and dont let pressure of “making a hit” ruin your unique creative voice.
NN: Who do you want to shout out right now?
Right now i want to shoutout my mom, my best friend lee, my chosen sister Alexandria, my homies Keenan and Emilly, the House of Coxx, my girl Jasmyn Milan and Durham’s bad ass queer community.